Yesterday I had the pleasure of interviewing/chatting with the headlining artists (and some really good humans) pre/post set @grapevinegathering for my friends at @untitledgroupau.
As you all know, I’ve been an actively loud supporter of artists, travelling the world for this very reason, but live music especially has a strong place in my heart. These humans have been one of the most impacted in our communities during the last few years and I can’t even put into words how good it feels to see these legends thrive in their power on stage and those working in their element behind the scenes. I thank the artists for not only having fun with me, but but being so generous and honest with their chats - @verabluemusic (pure magic & soul) @theveronicasmusic (elite level of sweetheart) @ccdisco (living icon) and @pekingduk (forever faves) - genuinely loved speaking to each of you. So much sauce!
The genorosity of these artists is next level - when you work in an industry that is so driven by emotion but also your connection to audience, not having that and remaining inspired to create more art for us when we’ve needed you the most is beyond.
The sense of community at a music festival/live music gig is unparalleled. The collective good vibes, love for one another, peak happiness, skill and ability to make you feel chemically is something that just doesn’t compare. We really needed this.
Shoutout to all the crew behind the scenes too for working so godamn hard in the godamn heat (thanks for the scorch Melbourne!) ensuring this as a covid safe event but also to security/crown controllers for keeping us safe, whilst being kind. I see you pulling us out in the heat, keeping us hydrated and making sure we got home safely. Here’s to many more and begone to cancelled shows. Love to those who have missed out.
Yes again @triple_j for changing the date - it was sick to celebrate these artists achievements in placing on the charts in live time!
Ps Did the grapevines trigger my hard childhood on dads vineyard - yep it sure fkn did.
Pps Did i dress like a curvy bottle of Shiraz - yep I sure fkn did thanks @meshki @dryandtea!
Here’s to the next! ✨